Alternative methods of treating diabetes are still relevant. They can be used, but with your doctor's permission. Certain foods and herbs have a positive effect on the body of a diabetic and promote fragile health.
General tonic and sauerkraut juice
A drug based on chaga birch mushroom extract with the addition of cobalt chloride can be purchased at a pharmacy. A tablespoon of the drug dissolves in boiled water. It is necessary to drink a large spoonful three times a day for some time before meals. After a quarter of an hour, you should immediately take 30 drops of calendula tincture (you can also buy it at a pharmacy), diluted in a quarter glass of water.
You can eat only thirty minutes after taking these two drugs. Simultaneously with such treatment, sauerkraut juice will have a good effect on the body. Treatment should last a month. As a result, blood sugar stabilizes and pain in the pancreas disappears.
Mixture of herbs and pomegranate peel
You have to mix a glass of elecampane high, nigella and oregano. Finely crush the herbs, then add the finely chopped zest of a pomegranate. Store in a dark place and take a tablespoon of the mixture for a month.
This product has a good effect on the health of a diabetic, because the fruits of aronia contain sorbitol. You can brew fruit and drink like tea.

Aspen bark tincture
At some point, a large spoonful of chopped aspen bark is needed. It is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and infused for literally twenty minutes. After the time is up, strain and drink like regular tea. This will help lower blood sugar levels.
Mixed berries (leaves)
It is necessary to take a few leaves of blueberries, lingonberries and St. John's wort, as well as herbs of mountain bird. Chop everything a bit and mix. Pour two tablespoons of the prepared mixture into 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for about an hour. Drink half a glass for a month.
Berry leaves, nettle
The leaves of nettle and blueberries, galega officinalis are taken. You literally need a pinch of each ingredient and mix everything together. 500 ml of boiling water are poured into two large spoons of the mixture in a thermos. Insist an hour, tender. Consume for a month four times a day for half a glass.
Sauerkraut brine and garlic infusion
A great affordable and tasty way to maintain a diabetic's health. Three times a day you need to drink sauerkraut brine in the amount of 100 ml. You can also make a garlic infusion. To do this, three cloves of garlic are poured for twenty minutes with 500 ml of water. After straining the garlic tincture, you can drink it.
aspen bark
Another tree bark that helps a diabetic stabilize their condition and feel good. 60 grams of bark are taken and poured with a liter of water. Put on the fire and bring to a boil, then insist for half an hour.

During the day, in convenient portions for a diabetic, you need to drink 700 ml of such a decoction. The full course of treatment is 25 days, then you can drink the decoction for prevention.
Kerosene (aviation only) for diabetes
This popular way of treating diabetes is found in Polish alternative medicine. It is necessary to drink on an empty stomach one teaspoon of aviation kerosene and drink half a spoon of sunflower oil (can be replaced with sea buckthorn). The treatment cycle is four weeks.
Sometimes the drug is not well tolerated. In such a situation, you can try taking 15 drops of kerosene, on a piece of sugar or dissolved in a large spoonful of boiled water.
Golden mustache and plantain
Dry two plantain leaves and one golden mustache leaf. Grind the dried leaves and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist literally half an hour, then you can force. Drink a large spoonful three times a day before the main meal. You can also take baths by adding a few drops of golden mustache essential oil.
Mix of herbs
Four parts of blueberry leaves, two parts of buckthorn bark and flax seeds, one part of mint leaves, three parts of St. The described ingredients are mixed together.
Four large spoons are squeezed out of the resulting mixture and poured with a liter of boiling water into a thermos. Leave overnight. Before meals, drink a mixture of herbs in a warm form for half a glass. Drink three to five times a day. To be treated in this way for a month, and after a week break, repeat the treatment.
To lower blood sugar
When the blood sugar level in a diabetic is between 6 and 10 mmol/l, you can refuse to take pills and maintain this sugar level with a special infusion. For cooking, a small amount of nettle and strawberry leaves, black currant and bay leaf is taken.
A pinch of crushed burdock, elderberry and celery roots is also taken. To all the ingredients add chicory and dandelion, a little crushed beans, as well as elderberries and oat straw.
Pour this mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave to stand overnight. You will need to drink 500 ml each, drinking the medicine prepared yesterday in the day. You need to be treated for only five days, then check the level of glucose in blood, urine. Depending on the condition, it is possible to maintain sugar levels with these herbs for a long time.
Also, after a week, you can be treated with fresh beetroot juice, which you can drink a quarter cup during the day. But melon and peaches, apricots and raisins, dried apricots in diabetes are contraindicated, and these ingredients cannot be found in folk recipes for treatment.
Linden flowers
For two large spoons of linden flowers, 500 ml of water is taken. Steep the tea for thirty minutes, then drink several times a day. The recipe helps to stabilize the amount of glucose.

dried acorns
It is necessary to collect the acorns, to dry them and to pass them at the rate of a glass in a meat grinder. This number of acorns is poured with one and a half glasses of water. Boil the mixture for thirty minutes over low heat and insist for 24 hours.
After a long infusion, boil again and leave for another day. After that, strain the broth and add a glass of vodka to it. Drink up to seven times a day, three sips.
The full course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. Then you need to check the blood sugar level and act according to the circumstances. To keep the sugar from rising, you need to drink this medicine at least several times a week. The tincture can be stored in the refrigerator.
grass cuff
A large spoonful of the cuff should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left until the infusion has cooled. Drink half a glass three times a day, preferably ten minutes before meals.
You can be treated this way for up to two months, taking a break for a week. You can repeat the treatment several times during the year.
You need to take a large tablespoon of clay, regardless of its type. The most important thing is that there is no sand or pebbles in the clay. Pour the clay with 150 ml of cold water and leave to infuse for six hours. Drink only water and leave sediment at the bottom. Consume thirty days in a row before each meal.
milk thistle seeds
The specified ingredient is taken in an amount of one hundred grams. You will need a coffee grinder to grind the seeds (you can also use a regular mortar). The seeds should become like flour. Take a large spoonful of flour three times a day. You can safely drink water.
Vinca leaves and vodka
You will need 1 part of dry, pre-crushed periwinkle leaves and 20 parts of vodka. Pour the leaves with vodka and leave for a week. Then be sure to strain, pour into a dark bottle. An adult diabetic can drink 10 drops of tincture in a tablespoon of water.
Teenagers can be given no more than five drops, and for children this remedy, which includes vodka, is not suitable at all. You can be treated in this way for a month, then be sure to take a break for ten days. If you liked the treatment method, you can repeat it ten days later.
bulb tincture
You need to take four medium onions and chop them very well. Pour water and insist under a closed lid overnight. The volume is drunk per day, and the course of treatment is one week. During treatment with onion tincture, it is also recommended to drink sauerkraut brine.
mom for diabetes
For 500 ml of boiled, but already cold water, only 15 grams of mummy is added. Infuse the remedy for a week, and drink a large spoon thirty minutes before meals. Drink ten days in a row three times a day. When the ten-day course is over, do not stop taking it.
But already drink one and a half tablespoons. Then increase the amount of funds to two spoons once a day. It happens that this remedy makes you a little sick. In such a situation, you can drink the tincture with milk, juice or almond water.
Chicken egg and lemon juice
When used correctly, a chicken egg will help lower blood sugar levels. It is necessary to mix the egg with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Drink this mixture and do not eat anything for at least an hour.
The ingredient is taken in the amount of a small spoon and poured into 250 ml of cold water. Warm up a little and drink a sip before meals, then immediately after meals. No more than ten sips of this remedy should be taken per day.
Cinquefoil roots
To prepare the product, add 500 ml of vodka to 25 grams of crushed Potentilla roots. Three weeks to insist. Before use, strain and drink thirty drops twice a day.
Herbal Mix Variant
To prepare this tincture, you need to mix one part of blackberry and blueberry leaves, two parts of dried bean belts, three parts of golden cinquefoil and gravilate root. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for three hours and drink a tablespoon. By the way, instead of tea, a diabetic is recommended to drink infused peppermint.
Chicory root
Twenty grams of crushed chicory root are taken and poured with half a liter of boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer for another ten minutes over low heat. Drink like tea, but if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract or frequent constipation, do not use this remedy.
How Does Acetylsalicylic Acid Help?
In the early stages of the development of diabetes, ordinary acetylsalicylic acid is very useful. It strengthens the retina of the eye, thanks to which it is possible to avoid such a serious complication of diabetes as loss of vision. It is necessary to take one tablet several times a day, always immediately after a meal.
burdock root
To prepare a tincture, which should be drunk one and a half glasses three times a day before meals, you need to take a tablespoon of chopped root and simply pour half a liter of boiling water. Be sure to insist overnight.
These folk recipes in each case have a different effect. In diabetes, remedies help, but one should always take into account the general state of health, the presence of contraindications to certain components, as well as the presence of diabetes complications and concomitant diseases.
If the decision is made to stop on some kind of alternative treatment, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician about this intention.

Traditional treatment for type 2 diabetes
In diabetes mellitus, the process of insulin production by the pancreas is disturbed in the human body. These disorders of the endocrine system lead to the fact that insulin is simply not produced (type 1 diabetes) or is produced, but in insufficient quantities for the normal breakdown of glucose (type 2 diabetes).
Modern medicine is not able to cure diabetes, but it is possible to maintain human health in good shape for a long time. If treatment is started, the complications of diabetes and its main symptoms will immediately manifest themselves: increased thirst, frequent urge to go to the toilet "in small quantities", obesity, painful itching and general weakness.
Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes different methods of treatment, he also draws his attention to the recipes of traditional medicine. Above all, they have their positive effect in the presence of type 2 diabetes.
Propolis, mummy and other means
Among the many folk remedies for type 2 diabetes, propolis and mummy are especially distinguished. Propolis can be consumed in its pure form (only before it is properly prepared) or in modern medicines.
This substance perfectly lowers blood sugar levels, also strengthens the protective functions of the body, which helps a diabetic to resist infections.

Royal jelly is another natural remedy given by bees to improve diabetes. This substance stimulates the immune system. When talking about bee products suitable for a diabetic, we can mention honey. But it must be taken with great care, as it contains a large amount of carbohydrates.
Depending on the severity of the diabetes, the doctor will determine the dose of honey that can be consumed during the day. All of these foods will help keep your diabetes healthy and control your blood sugar.
Mumiyo refers to the general tonic. It is able to dilate blood vessels, and for many diseases associated with metabolic disorders, its use is recommended even by doctors. For diabetics, it is important that regular intake of mumiyo solution significantly reduces the constant feeling of thirst (which leads to a decrease in the number of urinations).
Shilajit helps to deal with surges, normalizes water balance and generally improves the condition of the diabetic organism.
herbal treatment for diabetes
With diabetes, it is very common to find many herbal recipes. Fees have a great effect on the body, reduce blood sugar and help control metabolism, contribute to the normal functioning of internal organs.
Folk gatherings and herbs can be used to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. The described products contain essential oils and help the weakened body to recover quickly.
Important! As for ginger, it should be used with caution in diabetics. It helps to get rid of excess weight, removes toxins and toxins. But it is necessary to control the other actions of this powerful product on the body of a diabetic.
In what ways can the treatment be carried out?
Rosehip decoction for type 2 diabetes is an excellent remedy that contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. But rose hips can also lower blood sugar up to two times.
Therefore, it is recommended to regularly use tinctures based on this product, the constant thirst will soon pass, and the body will receive an additional share of vitamins.
Various cereals can also normalize blood sugar levels.
For example, you can safely use a decoction of oats, millet flour or ground buckwheat. In type 2 diabetes, these drugs will help control acceptable blood sugar levels.
Stinging nettle is the next effective remedy. It has a great effect on the intestinal microflora, improves liver function and contributes to the normalization of digestive processes. Burdock and dandelion contain natural insulin. Therefore, in diseases of the endocrine system, these herbs should be given increased attention.
The golden mustache in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is beneficial. Especially if you use decoctions of this plant, which tone the body and purify it. The golden mustache refers to biological stimulants, which provide a significant boost of strength. When treating with a folk mustache, other herbs should be abandoned for a while, and you can also increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed during the treatment period.
Another effective remedy that helps reduce blood sugar and normalize blood pressure is Caucasian hellebore. Hellebore goes well with other herbs and is able to further cleanse the body. But it is a poisonous plant, so it is important to strictly observe the indicated dosages during treatment.
Black cumin seed oil or the seeds themselves in folk medicine for diabetes are used quite often and actively. If you take this natural medicine by mouth, you can increase the body's production of insulin.
It is necessary to carry out treatment with any folk remedies, including black cumin seeds, under strict medical supervision. If negative reactions are found, then it is urgent to reduce the dose or completely stop the selected treatment.
Why are fees recommended?
Each plant described in itself is very useful, but if you make a collection, the positive effect on the body of a diabetic will only increase. Many herbs complement each other and are perfectly combined with each other.
Ready-made collections are sold in pharmacies, but if you study the beneficial effects of certain plants and their effect on the body, then you can safely make good combinations yourself.
Spices and spices in the treatment of diabetes
Useful in diabetes cinnamon, which regulates the violation of carbohydrate metabolism and promotes weight loss. It contains substances that enhance the action of insulin.
Turmeric is also good for type 2 diabetes by lowering sugar and cholesterol levels.
An important advantage of treating type 2 diabetes with folk remedies is their availability. With proper use and preparation, decoctions and infusions will bring many benefits to the body.
Depending on the severity of the disease, folk remedies can be the main or auxiliary treatment.